Kara Fitzgerald, ND

Kara Fitzgerald, ND, received her doctor of naturopathic medicine degree from theNational University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She completed the firstCouncil on Naturopathic Medicine-accredited post-doctorate position in nutritionalbiochemistry and laboratory science at Metametrix Clinical Laboratory (now GenovaDiagnostics) under the direction of Richard Lord, PhD. Her residency was completed atProgressive Medical Center, a large, integrative medical practice in Atlanta, Georgia.Dr. Fitzgerald is the lead author and editor of Case Studies in Integrative and FunctionalMedicine and is a contributing author to Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative andFunctional Medicine and the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM)’s Textbook forFunctional Medicine. Most recently, with Romilly Hodges, she authored the eBook TheMethylation Diet and Lifestyle. Dr. Fitzgerald is actively engaged in clinical research on themethylome using diet and lifestyle interventions in conjunction with Helfgott ResearchInstitute. She is a research clinician for The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery. Dr.Fitzgerald is on the faculty at IFM, is an IFM Certified Practitioner and lectures globally onfunctional medicine. She runs a Functional Medicine Clinic Immersion program forprofessionals and maintains a podcast series, New Frontiers in Functional Medicine and anactive blog on her website, www.drkarafitzgerald.com. Her clinical practice is in SandyHook, Connecticut.

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