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Beating Heart Disease: A Root Cause Approach
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Beating Heart Disease: A Root Cause Approach

2/25/2022 8:00 AM
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About this class

​​​​Join us for this live class where Dr. Michael Dansinger, MD MS,
Medical Director at Boston Heart Diagnostics will present an integrative health approach to beating heart disease.

This live class is a perfect crash course for healthcare providers who are determined to minimize preventable heart attacks, strokes, and related conditions for their patients.

In this class you'll learn:

  1. A systematic approach to identifying and reversing key aspects of the atherosclerosis process
  2. Evidence-based cardiometabolic blood testing which helps clinicians minimize atherosclerotic burden, optimize reverse cholesterol transport, reverse diabetes risk, and decrease vascular inflammation
  3. How to employee adherence and engagement tools
  4. Ultra-personalized nutrition and lifestyle prescriptions to motivate patients

Attendees will come away with a better understanding of the evidence base and clinical rationale for specialized cardiometabolic testing, and how Boston Heart empowers clinicians to proactively unmask disease and personalize patient treatment like nobody else.

This free course is hosted by Rupa Healththe best way to order functional & integrative tests from 20+ specialty labs, reducing your time spent ordering labs by 90% and helping you provide a superior patient experience.

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