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Breath Test Interpretation for Different SIBO Patterns
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Breath Test Interpretation for Different SIBO Patterns

February 9, 2023
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​​​This class is recorded and distributed after the event to all who sign up.

​Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition in which bacterial carbohydrate fermentation in the proximal gut causes measurable rises in breath hydrogen, methane, and/or hydrogen sulfide.   Knowing which gas is dominant is important as this helps to guide SIBO treatment. Additionally, understanding patterns of gas rises over 3 hours can provide key insights into microbial activity.

​In this presentation, Dr Jacobi will review key elements on breath test interpretation as it relates to SIBO as well as common patterns of treatment response. Test preparation do's and don'ts to increase accuracy of test results as well as common causes of SIBO will also be covered

Learning Points

  • ​Learn to accurately diagnose SIBO and IMO using breath testing
  • ​Understand nuances of test interpretation in diagnosis and treatment response
  • ​Gain insights into why re-testing can be important after treatment
  • ​Learn about intestinal methanogen overgrowth (IMO) and how this differs from SIBO
  • ​Understand common causes of SIBO and how these may require different relapse prevention strategies

This free course is hosted by Rupa Health the best way to order, track, and get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.

Rupa reduces the time spent ordering labs by 90% and provides customer service for your patients around lab test collections.

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