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The Business of Functional Medicine: Lab Sales 101
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The Business of Functional Medicine: Lab Sales 101

September 1, 2021
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​The most common question we hear from practitioners is "how do I get my practice started". The answer is, it starts with your patient purchasing lab kits! Come join Dr. Kalish to learn the three fundamental steps of the lab sales process so you can grow your business and help more patients. Become a "lab whisperer" and hone your patient communication skills. Our proven system, when mastered, will lead to 90% of your new patients enthusiastically order labs.

​In this live class, Dr. Dan Kalish will discuss The Business of Functional Medicine: Lab Sales 101, and will be touching on the following learning points:

  • ​Understand how having a clear clinical model is the basis for the patient education process that leads to a lab sale 90% of the time.
  • ​Teach patients your philosophy of why people develop health problems and how their specific health issue may benefit from getting labs done.
  • ​Learn to teach patients the purpose of the labs you want to do so they see the value of the process.

​Dr. Dan Kalish, founder of The Kalish Institute for Functional Medicine, has trained over 5,000 practitioners on building successful Functional Medicine practices. Founded in 2006, The Kalish Institute teaches clinical application and patient communication techniques through a hands-on, case-based approach. Dr. Kalish is an IFM Certified Practitioner and lead faculty for the Institute for Functional Medicine Practice Implementation Program. Dr. Kalish has authored three books on Functional Medicine, and is a notable speaker at Integrative Medicine conferences.  

About The Kalish Institute

​At The Kalish Institute, our primary focus is in helping practitioners transition into full-time functional medicine practices by teaching them personalized medicine through lab interpretation and patient communication skills. We have trained over 5,000 practitioners, and continue to provide education with step-by-step guidance in overcoming the roadblocks practitioners face in either starting or growing a functional medicine practice.

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