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The Science of Food; Lowering the Inflammatory Load Through Lifestyle
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The Science of Food; Lowering the Inflammatory Load Through Lifestyle

December 1, 2022
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​​This class is recorded and distributed after event to all who sign up.

The immune system is just that, a system and therefor does not have one way it reacts to foods, but many. As we examine IgE, IgG4, total IgG and complement together we get a better idea of which reactions are blunted and which are augmented. Some of the dissatisfaction from food allergy and sensitivity testing is that not one method is complete on its own. As we look at these immune complexes together as well as how they interact, we can get a more clinical accurate picture that helps us to determine what dietary intervention has the greatest therapeutic value for that patient and condition. This lecture will focus on the research around food sensitivities and allergies and why it is viable and critical part of management of inflammatory and oxidative pathologies. Using diet as therapy allows us to treat effectively while following the principle of first do no harm. 


1)      To review different immunologic responses to foods such as IgE, IgG, IgG4 and complement and distinguish clinical patterns between them

2)      To distinguish between sensitivity and allergies and determine clinical relevance of each as well as symptomatic presentation

3)      To review how activation of T cells and histamine release play a role in many chronic conditions including auto-immune conditions, heart disease and certain cancers

4) To review cross-reactivity of antibodies as a major reason for autoimmunity

5) To review how we can test for tolerance that the immune system develops to food allergies and how they remit 

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