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Thyroid, GastroIntestinal Tract and Forgotten Lab Tests
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Thyroid, GastroIntestinal Tract and Forgotten Lab Tests

September 6, 2022
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This class is recorded and distributed after event to all who sign up.

​Join Dr. Diane Mueller as she reviews clinical implications of how the GI tract is affected by hormones and thyroid.  Dive into lab testing that she utilizes that direct her care protocols.  Lab testing is just the beginning when getting her patients to optimal wellness.

  • ​Learn What Lab Tests You May Be Missing in Regards to thyroid and gut health
  • ​Learn about what you may be missing from food antigen testing
  • ​Get specific and easy to implement treatment protocols
  • ​Support for tough clinical cases that are not responding.

​​This free course is hosted by Rupa Health the best way to order, track, and get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.

Rupa reduces the time spent ordering labs by 90% and provides customer service for your patients around lab test collections.

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