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Why You Can't Detox: Revealing the Toxic Burdens in Daily Life
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Why You Can't Detox: Revealing the Toxic Burdens in Daily Life

April 26, 2023
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Are toxins holding your patients back from their best health? 

 Each year, our environments become more toxic, and Americans deal with rising health concerns.

 In this live class, we'll dive into where common toxins are found, explore how they affect our well-being, and discuss how they may prevent us from getting better.

 Precision functional lab testing is the key to unlocking individual, targeted detox protocols to help your patients optimize their health!

Join Greer McGuinness MS, RD, CDN, CLT, Dt. Sp, CMH, on 4/26/23 for a crash course on the clinical importance of Toxic Burdens and how this affects our daily lives. 

​​​This free course is hosted by Rupa Health  the best way to order, track, and get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.

Rupa reduces the time spent ordering labs by 90% and provides customer service for your patients around lab test collections.

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