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Zero to Launch: How You Can Create a Thriving Membership Practice That Helps Patients AND Preserves Your Sanity
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Zero to Launch: How You Can Create a Thriving Membership Practice That Helps Patients AND Preserves Your Sanity

July 12, 2023
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Each year thousands of providers in the US take education courses and receive certification to practice integrative and functional medicine. But the majority of providers never practice functional medicine, or if they do start their practice, they unfortunately close their doors within the first 3 years. 

When I started my practice 8 years ago, I searched for a mentor who would guide me in creating a sustainable, proven practice model. I was shocked to learn that the world of successful functional medicine practices was filled with high priced programs that made this type of medicine only available to a small percentage of people. I was told this was the only sustainable model if I wanted to be financially viable.  

But they were wrong. Through years of trial and error, we perfected a membership model that led to a life of balance, freedom and financial stability for myself, as well as consistent life-changing results for my patients. The key is understanding what the patient needs to reach their ideal health outcome, and create a membership that has incredible support and value.  All the while having solid foundational systems and processes to make your life flow easily so you can reserve that precious bandwidth for patient and self care. 

Join us on (date) as (Linda Matteoli, DO and Scott Rattigan, JD) for an interactive live workshop on how to create a membership model that is most reflective of your unique values and authenticity. 

You'll learn how to:

  • Identify the patient population you’re passionate about working with and get clear on their transformation goals. 
  • Outline the barriers or obstacles to their goals and determine what tools, education and support you could provide so that they can reach their ideal health state. 
  • Create your solution-based membership model that works for both you and your patients.

This free course is hosted by Rupa Health  the best way to order, track, and get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.

Rupa reduces the time spent ordering labs by 90% and provides customer service for your patients around lab test collections.

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