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A Functional Approach to Bariatric Surgery
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A Functional Approach to Bariatric Surgery

1/12/2022 8:00 AM
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Katie Champon, MS, RD
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About this class

​​​​​​Join us in this Live Class where Katie Chapmon, MS, RD provides an in-depth presentation on A Functional Approach to Bariatric Surgery.

​Bariatric surgery is often associated with micronutrient deficiencies after surgery. However, if we take a step back and look at bariatric surgery in a functional sense, we would also want to explore cellular micro-nutrition, as well as other areas that may be affected to enable someone's optimal health following their procedure. Two other areas often affected after bariatric surgery are gut microbial health and hormonal balance.

​In this class, we're going to take a closer look at how to approach someone undergoing bariatric surgery from a functional lens - utilizing the Spectracell micronutrient test, GI Map, and DUTCH testing. We'll discuss what additional considerations should be thought of when there are metabolic or absorptive changes, and what is seen in the research. Consider attending this class if you currently have clients that have had previous bariatric surgery and/or want to gain insight into some of the other nuances presented within this patient population.

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