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HR 101 For Functional & Integrative Medicine Practices
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HR 101 For Functional & Integrative Medicine Practices

July 28, 2021
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​In medical practices HR is often the business operation that is overlooked, yet it’s one of the most critical operations in running a successful practice.  In this webinar, Lisa McDonald will explain why it’s important to have established HR practices, share tips to keep your medical practice compliant and explain how to establish simple HR processes that will make you an employer of choice in Integrative and Functional Medicine.

​Lisa McDonald founded Integrated Connections (IC) in 2009 with a vision to support the transformation of healthcare. Integrated Connections offers a robust platform to support career and practice growth for Integrative and Functional Medicine clinicians.  

​With over 20 years of Human Resources Management experience, and a passion and in-depth understanding of the field, Lisa offers rare expertise that also comes from 10 years of working closely with a variety of organizations to include health systems and small private practices.

​IC services include a job board in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine, customized recruitment services, e-Courses for candidates to help them get the job, and an HR Support center which provides all the tools and resources to support an Integrative and Functional medical practice with their hiring and employee management needs.

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