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Immune Reboot: A Guide to Maximizing Immunity, Restoring Gut Health, and Optimizing Vitality
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Immune Reboot: A Guide to Maximizing Immunity, Restoring Gut Health, and Optimizing Vitality

March 22, 2023
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About this class

In this new and incisive one-hour webinar, Dr. Robert Silverman leads you through a review of how the immune system works and then into the latest developments for improving immunity. You'll learn about practical steps for building better immunity, the proven supplements that support immunity, the crucial role of the gut in immunity, how to fix gut problems to improve immunity, and how to avoid autoimmune conditions, all based on cutting-edge research.

Additional topics Dr. Silverman will cover include current options for lab assessments, emerging thoughts on brain health, Alzheimers disease, and the newly emerging clinical problem of long COVID.

Join Dr. Silverman in this illuminating presentation and gain insight into a comprehensive methodology that incorporates proven protocols into a clinically integrated system—one that you can apply to your practice immediately.

Topics to be covered:

1) Elucidate the role of systemic inflammation in long COVID.

2) Immune system’s effect on longevity.

3) Effective nutritional protocols for immune support.

4) Recognize the possible rise in autoimmunity and increased inflammatory status following recovery from COVID-19 infection.

This free course is hosted by Rupa Health  the best way to order, track, and get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.

Rupa reduces the time spent ordering labs by 90% and provides customer service for your patients around lab test collections.

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